Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Street Food From Bercham


There is this place in Bercham called "Wai Sik Kai" in Cantonese aka Food Street whereby there are two rows of vendors selling afternoon snacks.  As far as I can remember, there are a few stalls selling Laksa, popiah, roasted pork, "koay kak", fried noodles, desserts such as nyonya kuehs, coconut water and beancurd soya (Tau Foo Fah).  

Now with this Covid season, I don't go there at all but thanks to this lady, she will deliver the goodies to our house for just RM5 extra.  We normally made our orders one day before and she will deliver to our house.  We can order any kind of food as long as it is in Bercham where she stays, either morning or afternoon.   I like to request for her services and she willingly obliges.... 

Yesterday we ordered these for our afternoon so-called lunch or tea time... it was around 1pm when these were delivered.... 
Not much but enough for us... LOL... 
Two packets of Koay Kak... 
Kaya Puffs...
and 3 bowls of sweet beancurd desserts... 
The special is the fried Neen Koe and the Fried Yam... 
Will definitely order them again one of these days!


  1. Lucky for us that there are angels like her who are willing to buy us tasty food and deliver to our doorstep for only RM5 delivery fees. I have been sneezing since a few days ago and today I have a slight pain in my throat so I don't think I can eat deep fried food though your food looks very tasty especially the deep fried nian gao. Long time I didn't eat koay kak which I like to eat. Between ckt and koay kak I am not sure which one I prefer.

  2. I love them all!!! Oooooo...koay kak! Have not had that for so long!!!

  3. I m drooling over char koay kak...long time never eat that liao….

  4. Miss the food from this place. One of these days must pay a visit.

  5. I am salivating looking at the two boxes of koay kak!

  6. I am eyeing the deep fried nian gao.

  7. The food looks delicious for sure especially the char kueh teow.


Thank you, readers!

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