Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Signs A Sand Filter Isn’t Working In A Swimming Pool Filtration System

Everyone enjoys using the pool when the weather is exceptionally warm. Some even like to indulge in the cool months if the water temperature is just right, whether it be strictly for recreational purposes or therapeutic. A pool requires substantial maintenance and adequate upkeep to keep it functioning correctly, particularly ensuring that the water remains free of debris, dirt, and particles. 
A critical component of a swimming pool is the filtration system, visit https://bluewaterspoolservices.com/pool-filter/  to view examples. One such method is the sand filter, which helps capture fallen leaves, grass, insects, and other particles. In order to keep the pool at peak cleanliness and within safety limits, it’s crucial to know whether the system is functioning optimally or if it needs cleaning or replacement. 

Signs Indicating A Sand Filter Is Not Functioning Properly 

When a sand filter is not functioning, you may begin to notice that the water is not as clean as it usually is. It would be wise to avoid using the pool until you or a professional service can determine the problem. Signs can lead up to the point where the filter stops functioning altogether that you need to be aware of. Some of those include:

·         Begins Operating Slowly: If you notice the water starting to look unclear or becoming cloudy, the filter may be functioning at a slower pace than average. Upon appearance, it may look exceptional, and it may seem to be running as it’s supposed to, but the indication is that it isn’t filtering the debris like it usually would.

In this case, the recommendation is to do a water chemistry test to ensure the balance is right and check using the backwash valve to ensure function and standard flow rate there. If everything is as it should be, the next suggestion is to change out the pool filter sand.

·         Valves Leaking: The multiport valves may be leaking, which does not directly correlate to the system, but it does relate because they are attached to it either on the sides or at the top. Inside the tank, you’ll find the spider gasket responsible for maintaining a consistent flow through to the appropriate ports.

The gasket can develop issues due to wear and tear, age, or if it gets twisted or loose. This forces the water to go out through the wrong ports creating the valve problem and malfunctioning the filter.

·         Needs Cleaning Or Replacing: If you see that backwashing cycles are getting shorter, there is probably an accumulation of dirt or grease in the system. It will give the appearance of ‘sandy lard’ disallowing flow. Instead, the water has to find another path creating a ‘channel’ along the side rather than through the filter returning into the pool. 

It is possible to buy a cleaner for which there will be a temporary solution to the issue. The suggestion in order to have a permanent resolution is to replace the pool filter sand.

·         Problem With Pressure: You want to consistently be aware the pressure is maintained where it should be. Filters that are not large enough for the pump can cause a build-up of pressure to develop in the tank because the pump is trying to push more water than the tank is able to handle.

Pressure can also elevate from dirty filters in need of rinsing. But high pressure is not only a problem. Low pressure is also not good. You should check to make sure there is no debris stopping water from going in.
 Knowing what signs to watch out for will help you to troubleshoot and possibly fix simple issues. You might need to call in a professional who can take care of potentially damaging problems before they get out of hand, particularly if you’re unsure what the problem is. Read for advice on cleaning filters.
A pool is a significant investment. It’s critical to engage in a stringent maintenance and proper upkeep regimen either on your own or with an expert’s help. Doing so can help extend its lifespan and keep you safe and healthy in the water.

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