Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Food And Desserts In Penang


There is a difference between traveling with the younger generation and with my own age group.  The young will eat and squeeze in as much as they could possibly stuff in one day ... without feeling uncomfortable.... whereas in my senior group, we will space out the food, sharing our portions and still ended up not having what we have planned to have... and feeling bloated even before the day is over.  

Coming back to our food marathon in Penang, the young people ate these... and I could only nib like a "rabbit" and still feel fulfilled.  LOL.... 
Morning we had breakfast at the Big Crab restaurant now turned into food court... 
Surprisingly they had Kolo Mee and I quickly ordered a bowl to share.... RM5.50
Hot piping bowl of Koay Teow Thng... RM5.50
Apom Balik with peanuts and fresh coconut.... 
For RM2 a piece....
At Nyonya Cafe... we ordered just a few pieces to share....
Mini sized portions.... 
From Narrow Marrow Cafe....
Since SOP and with limited seats, the patrons have to vacate the seats in one hour.... 
Well, we need to be considerate and after all, one hour is long enough.... 
Then we adjourn to the famous rojak in Macallum street...
Just google the Shoeless Man's Rojak....
He opens at 3.30pm.... 
Waiting for 15 minutes under the hot sun just for this!
An advantage of bringing the youngsters... 
by hook or by crook, they will patiently get this for you!


  1. The food all looks so good and fresh! Now I see how you keepyour pretty figure.

  2. All very tasty food! Eat more variety of food, must bring young people.

  3. Kolo mee looks good. Oooo...kway teow th'ng, I love that...and nyonya kuihs too. Nice Malay kuihs in my blogpost today. Hop over!!!

  4. lucky u to tag along the youngster! they can help u to get the food and also help u to finish them if u can't eat that much! I like all the food above. The kuey teow thng has so much ingredients and it is only RM5.50!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...