Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fresh Water Fish At JJ Fatt, Gopeng


The bill date shows 2 July 2020, so it was two weeks after the recovery period, I guess... it was like Breaking Free for us then unlike now, we are more or less back to Conditional Order.  Anyway, just keep safe, I keep saying and saying again.

To celebrate our breaking free, we went to JJ Fatt in Gopeng for the fresh fish dishes, commonly and popularly known as Snakehead fish aka "Sang Yu" in Cantonese.  Its benefits is healing scars more effectively.. and like other fishes, protein!  This restaurant is famous for their fish cooked with chinese wine.  For one fish, we can have two dishes, the top part goes to the soup and the body parts cooked with ginger and spring onions.  Alongside with these two dishes, we ordered another two to eat with full satisfaction.
Fish head in claypot chinese wine... 
Another dish consisting of the flesh... 
Very fresh and nicely done... 
Wild ferns... or Paku Pakis cooked with sambal.... 
And oyster omelette ... 
Total cost for 4 persons.... 
It has been more than half a year... 
Perhaps it is time to visit that place again... 
But then not so soon, perhaps after the New Year... 


  1. I hardly see any paku pakis dish in KL....never eaten before...

  2. Ooooo...paku, I like!!! Dunno what snake fish is, dunno if I've eaten before or not. Ahhhh!!! So this is Ipoh-style oyster omelette, not the same as Penang's.

  3. I like paku pakis especially kerabu style. I love all the food you ordered though I don't think I have eaten snake fish before.

  4. Yes, that was the last time we were there. Missing the paku pakis but will have to wait till it is safer to venture out.

  5. The oyster omelette has too much sauce on it? Tomato? Chilli?

  6. The price is so good and the fish dishes so tasty!

  7. hahaha... my error... should be Snakehead Fish aka Sang Yu

  8. Fish though not my favourite, I dont mind having it once in a while. For fish, I prefer steam fish.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....