Sunday, December 20, 2020

Shopping At La Gourmet


I was not a good girl yesterday, I went shopping, I went to Penang Gurney Plaza, I went to shop for thermos flask and not for myself, I went to buy for my friends!  Yes, I am busybody... LOL... 

La Gourmet told us that there would be a sale somewhere near Christmas, that was a few months ago and I still remember.  I wanted to go to that little shop to see, I love La Gourmet stuff, I bought a ceramic wok called Shogun and I love it very much!  Why?  Cos it does not stick and the food gets cook very fast even with slow fire.  Not only easy to cook but easy to clean as well.  No scrubbing needed, just a gentle loving touch with a soft sponge and clean water.  LOL... 

By the way, this is not a sponsored or review product post.  This is a busybody post whereby I want to show you what I bought yesterday.  LOL... I called up the shop first and asked whether they have these flasks for sale and they sent me photos through whatsapp and I like what I saw.  Then I quickly messaged my friends and they want to get one of these.  Actually I have already bought one for myself few months ago during the Anniversary sales, it was RM50 then, normal price is RM89 or so.  Now it is only RM40!!  Oh no.... I must buy for my friends if not for me!  LOL... 
At first I thought all these colours are RM40....
But no, only the greenish blue  on the left is RM40...
The red and dark blue is RM80.... 
Shiny surface is RM50....
Can hold 1.5 liter...
Only this colour is cheaper, it is RM40...
I ended up buying 3 of these...
Never mind the colour, the function is the same...
The water stays hot for 24 hours...
That is all I need....
Can make a nice present too, right? 


  1. You drive all the way from Ipoh to penang to buy 3 green flasks and you drive back again immediately?

  2. You went all the way to Penang to buy those? Aiyor!!! Not available online?

  3. La Gourmet products are of good quality and worth buying. I have a nice La Gourmet stock pot which I used my credit card points to exchange. I have been using it for years.

  4. Wow can stay hot for 24 hours? That sounds good.

  5. Well, I think this greensih blue is the prettiest for sure! Much prettier than the others! These gifts are both useful and pretty, just perfect!!

  6. Why different prices?? But the green one is nice too.

  7. Perfect gift for your friend, practical and pretty! Greenish or blue colour is nice!

  8. Perfect gift for your friend, practical and pretty! Greenish or blue colour is nice!

  9. Thanks for taking the trouble to help us buy the flask for us. The green is a very nice colour.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...