Friday, January 15, 2021

What To Do On This Day


Today I have nothing much to write, I scrolled up my photo album a few times, up, down, up down and couldn't find anything to put up and talk about.  So I guess ... this will be a boring post... LOL.... 

Firstly, with the new restrictions in Malaysia whether it is MCO or CMCO,  traveling interstate is forbidden throughout.  Nothing much to do at home except for watching Netflix and going online to browse here and there.  Share market is also very volatile, nothing to buy nor sell, not that I am a big player also... I don't know much about shares and it is quite boring to look at them when I am not an active player.

So what shall I do?  I love to sing and this apps called wesing is one of my passing time gadget to play.  Sing into the earphone attached to the iPad and the voice comes out with echo and very professional-like.  LOL... Too bad (or is it a relief) that I could not attach the link here for public listening.  

I am very free now.... perhaps I will do some singing since my neighbours are not around at this time of the day... LOL... Sing from the diaphragm, so to speak... wonder how that could be done...  and to take quick breaths in between the lines... and I hope I won't end up going to the toilet right after I do that!  LOL... 

My latest picture in my album... 
Let it bloom, Let it Bloommm... 
Have a Blooming day, Readers!


  1. Your sunflower is beautiful! I know you sing in your church, so you must be a good singer!

  2. Take videos of your singing and share!!! I'm also running out of things to post about, not going out, not going here and there. Maybe I should just take a break!

  3. LOL! Going to toilet after singing hah..hah..hah... I remembered you shared a link once and I went to listen to you sing. Not bad at all lah!

  4. Beautiful sunflower. Perfect symmetry. :D

  5. Looks like we are all running out of things to post these days. You can video record your singing and share it here. Toilet and singing related arh? Lol! At least you can enjoy your beautiful sunflower.

  6. Singing is good exercise!! Haha. As long as no one complain of noise pollution, go ahead, Claire!! Lol.

    Stay safe ya.

  7. U can use smule app to sing too. Lovely sunflower

  8. Singing can release stress. I miss my karaoke singing.

  9. Share market will crash anytime this year as predicted by the Singapore Feng Shui Queen.

    Singing is a good therapy for good mental health. My singing is horrible and people never invite me to karaoke.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...