Friday, February 5, 2021

My Almost Vegetarian Meals For The Day

MCO MEANS ......... 

It is all about food posting when it comes to MCO, no traveling, no meeting up with friends, no gatherings, none of this and of that.... so it is all about what we cook and what we eat at home... LOL.... 

Yesterday I just cook one dish, yes, I cook dhall again, I opened a new packet of Australian dhall.  This time I soaked it and then blended it manually.  I have this small gadget whereby I can dice my onions, garlic and whatever need to be diced.  It is so useful and I don't know why I have kept it for so long until only recently I took it out and used.  I couldn't even remember who gave it to me!  Or perhaps it was a free gift... not sure, next time I will show it in a post.  All I have to do is to pull the string and the dicing will be done after a few pulls.  I bet some of you know what gadget I am talking about... LOL... 

Coming back to my dhall, this time I used french beans.  Why french beans?  Cos I have a full one kilo of them, bought from the market which cost only RM3!  I wanted less but the lady said take one kilo la, only RM3!  Imagine one kilo of french beans, I have to eat how many rounds of that.... LOL... Bought a packet of fresh santan and I cook this pot of vegetable using dhall, kaffir leaves, curry leaves, dry chilli, carrots, ginger, tumeric powder, cinnamon stick and lemon.  

I cooked the potatoes first before ending in the other greens last.... 
This time it was less spicy... and more thickened in gravy....
I can just drink the soup cos it is sourish and a bit spicy.... 
My neighbour gave me a plate of her Ju Hu Char...
My favourite dish!
My lunch.... 
And for dinner, my neighbour gave me a plate of glass noodles...
So nice of her.... 
Looks like it was a vegetarian dinner... 
The smaller bowl is Acar from Pantai Remis...
All vegetables... but I really don't mind the varieties!


  1. We had a dish like that today, Friday - our no-meat day but we fried one ikan bawal hitam and had them together with rice.

  2. I love your lunch with your own cooked dhall! Looks better than the ones I am having now. Love that you are eating more vegetables. More fiber! Why the French beans are so affordable! Only rm3 for 1 kg, what a good deal!

  3. Your dhall dish looks delicious. Someone will love this vegetarian dish.

  4. Your dhall looks good. Very unique with kaffir lime leaves. I can just imagine the fragrance!

  5. Wah. Your almost vegetarian is so colourful and flavourful looking.

  6. i don't mind having these despite almost vegetarian...these are different type of dishes, so it is not a boring meal.

  7. Wow homecooked vegetarian food, nice! But I bet I will go hungry again very fast if I were to eat this lol.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...