Wednesday, September 8, 2021

My Experience On The Airbus 350

MY FIRST TIME TRAVELING ALONE was to Aberdeen in 2019.   And now alone again in 2021 to a different country under trying times as in this pandemic

While I was preparing for my long trip, I was slightly discouraged by the alarming advice which I heard.. did I make the right move traveling at this time?  Long hours on the plane, 16 hours from Singapore to San Francisco, putting me at high risk among the passengers, breathing in the same air throughout the journey.... kind of scary... only consolation is that we passengers have to do our swab test 72 hours before we board the plane.  What if we contract the virus after our swab test?  That sounds kind of possible too... 

In the plane itself, we have to put on our masks at all times except during meals.  While boarding, I felt more encouraged when there were only a small number of us.  I was supposed to be sitting at th3e window seats, sandwiched between the front couple and a single guy behind me.  Before taking off, I asked the stewardess whether I could sit at another row which has 4 empty seats and away from other passengers and she said of course, I could.  Quickly I landed myself with the row of empty seats, where I could put my stuff on my left and right.  

Throughout the journey, I wore my mask when awake and only my face shield when I slept.  I watched 3 movies, went endless times to the toilet cos I drank a lot of water to keep myself hydrated and 4 packets of snacks.  Yes, I slept a lot cos I took half of the Novamin to relax myself... 

A very comfortable flight I would say, I would certainly go for SIA Airbus 350 for ultra long flights is definitely very worth it... their seats are much bigger than the normal economy ones, with ample space in front and leg rest as well.  No wonder I slept a lot... LOL... 

My existance upon exit from the immigration in San Francisco....



  1. It is good to see you Claire! I had been wondering what happened to you. Glad you are safely there, and I hope you have a great visit!

  2. Envy you lah...but so happy for you!!!

    I can't fly long haul - my feet will swell like an elephant's, poor kidney function, they say.

    You look like you've put on a bit of weight? Bet you will put on even more there. LOL!!! Have fun, enjoy yourself to the fullest - you sure deserve it...take care and God bless!!!

  3. I hope your trip was enjoyable. Keep safe!

  4. Enjoy your days in SF! stay safe and looking forward to more posts from the Golden Gate City!

  5. I flew SIA Airbus 350 both ways Singapore- London. We were the only Asian on board! That means the Westerners like this Airbus.
    Enjoy your trip and fruit harvesting!!

  6. Enjoy bonding with your family in San Francisco. Looking forward to more posts from you. Stay safe!

  7. PTL for your safe flight. Have a good time!

  8. Sitting in the plane for long haul trips is so tiring. At least you can sleep. Me, I cannot sleep at all. Please enjoy your holiday!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...