Saturday, September 11, 2021

My First Few Days In San Jose

I AM REALLY HERE.... not a dream anymore or wishing I could come here, that was on my mind for the past couple of months.  An almost impossible trip has become possible through the Grace of God despite this pandemic looming globally.  I thought I would be "lockup" for many more months in my country until don't-know-when.... and no traveling for me for years to come... I lost some weight during the past two months and I thought of nonsense... (Ok, that will be another part of my story).... and I am so Thankful to my God that I am now reunited with my son, my daughter-in-law and my first grandson who is now going to be five months old!   All these months, I have been watching him grow via video chats, yes, I am thankful for that too!

Settling down is not a problem, the weather is very much like Malaysia except here is dry heat and not humid.  No sweating but dry... needs a lot of suntan lotion once out from the house.  I landed on Sunday evening and the next day, my DIL took me for a swab test nearby.  No fees incurred, just have to make an appointment in advance and I was out from the hall within 10 minutes.  No queues, there were plenty of staff to do the swab test, I just have to tell her my name and birth date and the next second, she just put something in my nose, both nose holes instead of one as in Malaysia.... and I was exited.... Got my results the next day and it was negative... Thank you God....

Oh, my grandchild?  Yes, I carried him every now and then and put him down too every now and then... LOL... Grandma has to gain more weight first to carry you longer, OK?  LOL... So let me talk about food... what I have eaten... mostly homecooked food during dinner and Door Dash at times during lunch... Very simple cooking and meals... they make me satisfied!
Yes, lots of greens I don't mind....
Spinach soup, lettuce and BBQ pork done by my DIL...
DIL cook peanut porridge with shredded chicken...
Eaten with bottles of condiments....
Spinach again with homegrown tomatoes....
Chicken meat with basil and small cilipadi also homegrown....
Herbal chicken soup....
Hotpot during one evening.... 
Fantastic soup... 
Leftover soup eaten with noodles the next morning....
During lunch on a weekend....
My DIL's special.... baked, grilled and steamed.... 
Yes, very fulfilling and satisfying food....
Very thankful for everything that is laid on the table....
Gaining weight and strength.... 
Thank you God!


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  2. Hi Claire, so nice of you to spare time from your grandson to update us here. Being with your son, dil and grandson is the best so food is only secondary but I spotted a lobster 🦞 ! Yum yummy! Stay safe and hugs your grandson lots lots! 💕

  3. Relax and enjoy your family and food. Don't worry about gaining weight. Lol!

  4. Get to cook and enjoy home-cooked meal will not make you homesick, I bet. And to be with family, is the best. Enjoy your holiday and bonding time. I bet you will get weight soon to carry your grandchild. Hehe

  5. You're in San Jose, eh? Then you must learn to sing this Dione Warwick song? LOL!!! Keep on singing! It will surely cheer you up like those times when we used to karaoke together!

  6. Glad to hear your swab test went o.k. and you're settling down well and eating well too. That slab of salmon will cost a bomb here! Take care there, God bless always, you and all your loved ones. Cheers!!!

  7. Enjoy your stay there with your son and family. San Jose is the loveliest place to live in California.

  8. You must be thrilled to meet your cucu for the first time! How nice that your DIL cooked and I am glad to hear that you are gaining weight and strength.

  9. Claire, so heartwarming to hear that finally you flew and now you are reunited with your family. Enjoy your bonding time with your son, DIL and cute grandson. Your DIL sure can cook very well. So much yummy food!

  10. nice home-cooked & healthy dishes! your DIL is an amazing cook. Looking forward to more posts about your grandson!

  11. shiok. Enjoy yourself sis !

  12. That's great! Enjoy your stay and bonding with family!


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...