Thursday, September 2, 2021

My Travel Pass "Passed"

NO HIGH HOPES NOR EXPECTATION when my son applied on behalf for me to the relevant authorities for approval to travel during this period.  

The day I received the vaccination appointment, my son started the application process online.  Though the terms and conditions did not apply to my reason of traveling, we just gave it a try, after all, no harm done by submitting, my son said.  Two weeks later, I received the response stating "Rejected" and the reason given was "Incomplete Supporting Documents."  Oh, does that mean to say if we submit more documents, we stand a chance?  Our hopes were lifted.... at least it did not mention that I do not have a valid reason to go..... 

My son reapplied again, this time he submitted more than 10 documents and whatever certificates irrevelent or not, he just uploaded them.  Appeal letters from both sides were also submitted.... and after that, we just prayed... and wait....

And a week or two later, I received their email... this time... APPROVED!

We are pleased to inform you that your application to exit Malaysia has been APPROVED. The details of your application are as follows:


We were really really surprised that I was given the opportunity to exit Malaysia.... Thanks to the officer-in-charge whoever you are!  

The Travel Pass is valid for 3 months only and by the time my second dose of vaccination was done, it was almost one month.  Made the necessary arrangements and preparations such as police permit and PCR swab test, it was another half a month later.... and I was on the way to the airport during the last weekend to board..... finally!

Bye Ipoh... till I see you again... don't-know-when....

Second bridge.... 
The quiet bridge.... 
At the Penang airport to Singapore...
Less than 20 of us....
Empty seats mostly.... 
This was given for each passenger.....
And a packet of goodies.... 
This was put on the seat.... contactless...
Coke, cookies, lemon cupcake and chocolate....
In Changi, everything was very systematic...
Upon arrival, the few of us were guided in single file to
an enormous waiting lounge....
I have to wait for 5 hours before my flight to San Francisco....
Opted for Chinese food on the plane.....
Suits me real fine.....
Wat Tan Hor Fun....
Finished it all.... 
Only the bun was left behind....
After two meals, three movies and 4 packets of snacks....
I reached San Francisco Safely....
There were only 30-40 people on the plane...
And immigration process was done real quick this time....
In less than half hour, everything was done....
Thank God for smooth journey mercies!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! No wonder you have been very quiet all this while. I was getting rather worried.

    San Francisco? Your sister's place? Your son is in Scotland, right? You're not going there?

    Well, wherever you are, take care, stay safe, stay well. God bless, you and all your loved ones.

    1. Btw, where's your girl now? Still in the Uni? So she is left alone on her own in Ipoh...or has she followed you to the US?

      I guess Andy is still in Johore? That state is like Sarawak, many cases every day.

      Yesterday, Sarawak was No. 2 in the nation, so scary, this Delta Variant!!! And now, there's a new one, MU!!!

  2. Congratulations for your journey to San Francisco!! What a lucky lady, yeah. Enjoy to the maximum.

  3. good to hear that u are now in SF! hope u enjoy the days there. Stay safe!

  4. Wow! Enjoy your stay in San Francisco. How I wish I can fly too! Meanwhile stay safe!

  5. So you are in this country now! I hope you have lots of fun!

  6. Lucky you! I bet many people are jealous LOL! Enjoy yourself and at the same time please stay safe. Looking forwards to reading about your SF trip.

  7. You sound like you are migrating to USA since you say you won't know when you will see Ipoh again. Stay safe and take good care! 🙏

  8. Congrats! And, that was a nice journey to SF.

  9. PTL for smooth and safe flight. Enjoy your stay there. Take care and stay safe.

  10. Wow. Can go travelling now. So need apply online if to travel oversea.... Thanks for info.

    Have a good trip, stay safe.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...