Thursday, October 14, 2021

My Early Birthday Gift

BROKEN PIECES....  I have intention to get a new iPad while I am here in US but never expected to get one so soon!

While in Sacramento, my old iPad gave up on me.  It slipped out of my hands suddenly and fell on the hard concrete floor.  Yeah, my bad, not my iPad, I did not manage to hold it properly and one second, it crashed downwards.  Landed on the wrong side too, the impact on the screen was too hard, when I picked it up, it was crushed... pieces of glasses went through the hardware.... oh no, so sorry for that, my iPad!
The impact of the flooring must be really hard... 
Fell from less than three feet.... 
Guess it is time to let go... 
It has been with me for more than 6 years or 7..... 
Bye bye.....
A week later, we went to the Apple mall to collect my new companion.... 

My new companion.... 
The latest version of Mini iPad...
So that I can hold it properly!
Now the next thing is the Overcoat...
Really must protect it for at least one decade...
Thank you TC for my early birthday present!!


  1. Lucky you!!! Old folks say if things do not get spoilt, we will not have the chance of having new ones. Now you can blog more regularly, I guess? Do handle it with care, ya!

    Happy birthday in advance, bet you're going to have a grand celebration there!

  2. Oh so good for you darling

  3. Poor thing. But it is time to change. Not good to use with broken screen.

    Happy birthday in advance, dear. Have a blast over there.

  4. A wonderful gift! You were lucky to have your old one for this long. Our Granddaughter's stopped downloading things after it was about three years old. I guess they do get obsolete.

  5. Wah, nice to get new gadget. Sad about the previous one. Please be extra careful. Things broken are ok, can buy new ones but elderlies when fall, cannot buy new ones so please be extra careful. ❤️

  6. Your birthday is in November, right? So this is definitely an early birthday present! Enjoy!

  7. It was fated for you to get a new iPad, so the old one did a kamikaze. LOL!

  8. Your old iPad wants to retire knowing that it is time to go. The old has to go before the new can come. Lol! Happy birthday to you in advance.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...