Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Cruising Along The Resorts By The Sea In Kona

SHUTTLING THROUGH THE CHOO CHOO TRAIN... we hopped on and stopped at one end of the resort and from there, we walked to the other end, taking us more than an hour.... The scenic view was breathtaking and I am amazed that there are a number of tourists relaxing and sunbathing under the Hawaiian sun.  I thought that due to the pandemic, everything will come to a standstill but no, life goes on as usual, the only difference is that we have to wear masks.

Free shuttle train which we hopped onto..... 
Pictures I took while in the train... 
And another one coming by from the other end....
We stopped at the last hotel and from there we walked along the coastal area....
One side is the sea and the other side where all the resort hotels are....
Main attraction is the Dolphin show....
No, we did not get into the water...
We stood nearby to see them perform... for free... 
All in all, it was an amazing walk...
An eye opener for me....
So thankful I could be actually here enjoying the beautiful scenery.... 


  1. Thank you for sharing all the photos. Very very serene scenery. I would enjoy this walk very much too.

  2. Nice to travel in train, enjoying the view. More comfortable than walking. Haha.

  3. Magnificent view all along the way!

    Ya...they are not as fanatical as us here, not as strict. Here, they more or less twist our arms behind our backs to get us to do this and that...the way they want it. Yes, it is for our own good MOSTLY but not always necessarily so.

    Not going to go into it - no point. I'm actually getting quite fed up with everything, the politics especially. Same thing lah! Because of the politics, they mess up our whole education system in the country - so glad I am out of the madness now.

  4. What a lucky lady!! You get to enjoy a fabulous holiday with beautiful views. Enjoy ya!!

  5. So scenic! How I wish I could spend many days there and forget all my worries!

  6. very scenic view. I also wish to spend many days there...there resort has its own train that looks like a bullet train....the place must be huge!

  7. Hawaii is beautiful and it is worth going there. Great photos.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...