Sunday, December 12, 2021

My Birthday 2021

WAIT...WAIT....  I nearly missed out posting this important day of my life... one year older and er... wiser, I hope!  LOL...

This year I marked my one year older in Sacramento for the first time in my life.... 

I have a lovely surprise on that day, my kids were supposed to come a day after my birthday because it was a working day on my B-dat.  I assumed they must be working but they already planned to come a day earlier to give me a surprise... LOL... 


I am so happy to see them especially the little one.... and I love these little gifts from them!!

So sweet of them to prepare these lovely cards with printed pics inside.... 
Will keep them with me always!
There's more.... 
Air pods to keep my walks more interesting....
Thank you dears!!


  1. Wonderful cards that are keepsakes forever! Happy Birthday, Claire! You don't look a day over 30!!

  2. Happy birthday Claire and may God be with you always. It's so wonderful to celebrate with your family .

  3. So sweet!!! So happy, so blessed to be able to celebrate your birthday with your loved ones.
    Belated birthday greetings!!! How old already, by the way? LOL!!!
    Gosh!!! I am so old, so jakun - I dunno what those air pods are, much less know how to use them. You're really happening, eh? Stay forever young!!!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! I love the birthday greeting cards that you received. The one from your cucu is particularly cute :) You are very blessed!

  5. Happy belated birthday to you?

  6. Once again, happy birthday to you. Great cards.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...