Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ending Our Day In Heritage Town Cafe, Gopeng

OUR LAST STOP was in Gopeng, by then it was almost evening around 5.30pm.  Our tummies couldn't take in any more food except for light snacks and drinks.

Our tour guide told us to stop by Heritage Town Cafe in Gopeng and that was what we did.  No regrets, this place was indeed fascinating and since we were the early birds, taking photos here and there was such a bliss!  We seniors even had a fun time playing hopscotch on the ground... did I get the name correct?  Anyway, we had a lovely time.... hope we can do this again one fine day!

At the front of the cafe...
One for my album....
I just couldn't help glee-ing....
Lovers' corner to hang their love notes...
Everything was painted....
The place where we sat for our finger food...

For bigger groups, they can book upstairs.... 
And here we are.... oh, the hopscotch is missing....
We have videos on each one of us hopping up and down...
Oh, what would our kids say if they saw us doing that, I wonder... 
Our drinks.... 
Fried sweet potato balls...
Yummy in our tummy!
Guess what this is....
Cuttlefish with paku pakis... wild ferns....
Yes, they were very tasty, especially with the generous toppings of sesame seeds!


  1. Very interesting place! Very ngam for those who like to post on instagram. I like the snacks you had, which reminded me I haven't indulged in fried sweet potato balls in a while! That cuttlefish with paku pakis must be another version of sotong kangkong. Mouth watering just looking at it. LOL!

  2. First time seeing sotong with paku. Usually, it is with kangkong.

  3. Wah, delicious food. The drinks look so refreshingly tasty!

  4. Bet sotong with paku tasted nice. The place looked nice, I love the old, traditional house setting. Haha. Hopscotch. Don't let the kids see you guys play. Lol

  5. Lovely place. Too heavy to play the hopscotch. Must visit again to enjoy the paku pakis.

  6. You have published extraordinary article here about mattress lunch cafe It is a genuinely beneficial info for us.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...