Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Swimming Lessons For Baby

FINAL LESSON FOR THE MONTH... and he is actually no more a baby....

He is now 17 months going on 18.... It has been six months since I last carried him in my arms... and now he is getting a bit too big and heavy for me to carry!

Weather was extremely hot when I landed here in San Jose, the sun was scorching hot and dry especially during the noon.  Air con has to be switched on the whole afternoon and fan during the night.  

But hot or not, Baby Isa still need to finish his last swimming lesson before they close for the fall season.  No, he did not learn anything at all, I was told... it was just an half hour playtime in the water.  He did not like the lessons in fact, and he must be relieved that it is now over.... 

Arriving at the pool....
The kids in the pool accompanied with one parent....
In this case, my son was in with his son.... 
Sing song time in the pool... 
Old Macdonald had a farm.....
While I waited for the half hour.... I walked around...
Parents waiting patiently.... like I did...
Oh, off the topic.... I learn something new here...
Boiling red beans soup and adding in a fresh orange in...
Tried that before?
Yes, indeed it tastes good with this addition!


  1. Ah, this baby didn't turn into a water baby. Ya, no more a baby. Toddler now. You must be running after him all the time. Never tried fresh orange in red bean tong sui. Only dried orange peel in red bean tong sui. But I think fresh orange in it will taste nice too. Very nice photos. enjoy!

  2. Good to see you, Claire, it has been awhile! The baby is so cute! I bet he is into everything now!

  3. Gee! How fast they grow! Losing the baby fat already. You must be having the time of your life spoiling him! Take care, God bless, all!

  4. Hard for very young child to learn much in the pool. They just having fun and fight their fear of water.

  5. He didn't enjoy playing in the water? Some kids will not want to come out from the pool. Here, we add dried tangerine peel. I think adding fresh orange is almost the same.

  6. Your cute cucu has grown quite a bit. Big boy now! How nice that he is learning to swim. Hope you are having a wonderful time!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...