Monday, August 28, 2023

Breaking Fast At Wong's Kopithiam, Ipoh

 BACK IN IPOH, I look for food again during the days when I am too lazy to go to the market.  I usually go for breakfast cum lunch and then then cook something simple in the evening.

Ipoh is the same as Penang, cafes here there and everywhere.... all I have to do is to type in Ipoh cafe in town and a list of cafes will be shown.  From there, I will choose what I want to eat.... no more calling up my friends and ask... don't be so troublesome, just click and go!  LOL...

On this particular morning, my friend and I chose this place called Wong's Kopithiam, not a coffee shop but with enclosed air con.  Upon entering, I saw only one table was occupied and I wondered whether I had chose the wrong place to go or not.  Never mind, never try, never know... right!

There I was seated happily..... 
Old styled deco... 
This boss must be living during my era time... 
Six condiments Teochew porridge... 
My kind of food.... senior's food....
Consisting of fried anchoives, fried peanuts,
shredded omelette, salted egg, preserved mustard 
and fried luncheon meat...
Not very appealing, right?  
 But then... I like it just like that.... 
We also ordered this plate of wanton noodles with roasted pork to share....
Yes, I like this too!
In fact, the taste reminded me of my childhood days....
Overall, I like both our orders....
Couldn't remember how much they cost...
Must be around RM30 for both orders.... 
That is the problem....
I never like to remember how much $$$ spent nowadays!
Just spend within our limits.... right!


  1. That porridge set will be very appealing to my partner. That's what he loves but I don't LOL! That place was the right choice after all.

  2. I'd love that porridge set! Same here - went to a new place here, nobody inside like it was not a nice place or something...but it turned out so good! My blogpost on it coming soon!

  3. All those condiments with the porridge looks like so much fun!!

  4. Pasé a conocer tu blog amiga de Nancy. Gracias.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...