Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Pre-Wedding Gifts And Dowry

LOTS OF HAPPENINGS THIS YEAR... and in this post is an auspicious event which took place somewhere in March.  

When I first started blogging in January 2008, my kids were still in their secondary years.... 15 years flew by and now in 2023, I thank God that three of them have now settled down with their own little family.  No more chauffeuring to and from school, to and from their tuition centres, no more sending them to their respective college/universities during the weekends.... all these academic years have passed.... I retired from all these chores, oh, correction, not chores, I would say it is a great blessing to see them grow up into responsible individuals.  All Glory to my Good God!

Sorry, I have digress.... 

And I show some favoritism.... LOL... 

Below pictures displayed are gifts for from the Groom to the Mother-in-Law (ME!) and mostly to my Girl, his Fiancee then.  This is a Chinese tradition for couples who are engaged and going to marry, the groom will send dowry to the bride's parents.  (And this is a tradition I have kept)  LOL... My sons have done their part of giving and now with my girl, I am on the "receiving".... LOL... 

On one fine morning in March....
Both the fiance and fiancee started to decorate....
Nothing too elaborate... 
We DIY the deco on the basket... 
These are not boxes of gold... LOL...
They are wedding biscuits...
Traditional biscuit, one red and one yellow...
Depicting the couple.... 
My girl's iconic cartoon.... 
By now, everything is Winnie in her their bedroom.... 
The golden box is for the fiance....
A wallet and a belt...
Wallet must be filled with money...
The belt is to hold on tight to the husband.... 
And a pair of ear-rings for the bride signifies her to be obedient to the in-laws! 
Am I right or wrong? 
Most definitely I am wrong!


  1. Wahhhhhhhhh!!! So nice to be a mother-in-law!!! Here, they say they can make a profit from hosting the wedding banquet even! What about you?

  2. Congratulation to the couple and the new mother-inlaw God bless you all

  3. Congrats to you and the couple!

  4. Considered senang already once children all grown up and married. Some more got cucu already. You are very blessed!


Thank you, readers!

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