Monday, January 15, 2024

My 16 Glowing Years


I finally call it a day when it comes to dyeing my hair.  No more purchasing of dye colours, no more looking into the mirror and asking myself when to dye and I managed to overcome the "beh tahan" moments without changing my mind.  Sticking to my decision, I succeeded in letting my hair grow whiter and whiter each day... LOL... 

Now.... there are three tones on my head, the brown, the black and and white.
The black is slowly disappearing.... going... going......... Gone in a couple of more months...
The winner will be White in time to come.... LOL... 

Yes, I definitely look older now beyond my age, no doubt about that, but I have learn to accept my hair colour.  In fact, I ACTUALLY like it!  So natural... hahahaa.....

A certified Granny look....
From 2008 until 2024...
16 years of blogging has this to prove that 
I am really a veteran blogger!


  1. It actually looks very nice and I have seen many ladies who carry this white/gray look so elegantly. My turn will come soon!

  2. I like all those silver foxes - ladies whose hair has turned all white. Very nice!

  3. It looks beautiful!! I had no idea that you dyed it! But you are so cute and have such a good figure, you still look great!!

  4. I think white hair looks great on everyone! 👍 Smile 😊

  5. I've also decided to stop colouring my hair some years back...too much hassle to sit at the hairdresser's for hours. Let it be a natural white/grey which a sister-in-law of mine commented the other day that she wished she had my hair colour. She said it's like having silver coloured hair (some would even dye this colour!) and mine looks nice coz it's evenly


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...